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Sin's Submission [Demon Twins 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More] Page 2
Sin's Submission [Demon Twins 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More] Read online
Page 2
And yet she somehow managed to look entirely fragile. The contradiction of her well-built body and her delicate-appearing character intrigued him. His blood fairly steamed as he watched a slight shudder rake her body. All he wanted to do was reach across his oak desk and pinch her nipples until her juices ran down her thighs. But the twin peaks were well hidden beneath an unsightly tweed coat. Her legs, which he was willing to bet were sturdy and plump with generously dimpled flesh, were likewise concealed under her ankle-length schoolmarm’s skirt. Fuck! He wanted to tear those appalling garments off her and wrap her in little bits of silk and scraps of satin and then slowly rip even those off until she was naked and fully exposed to his hungry gaze.
Slowly, knowing full well this curious creature’s curiosity had not been fully satisfied, he undid his cuff links. The solid silver blocks clanked heavily on the desk. He smirked inwardly as she practically jumped out of her skin. Her lashes fluttered as she surely strained to see what his hands were doing. With infinite patience, he rolled his dark sleeves up to his forearms. Intentionally, he kept his arms in full view. Now she would see that his scars were not limited to his face.
The soft gasp was all the confirmation he needed. Whether his battered body appealed to her or not, her rights to quibble had been taken out of her hands. Her creamy flesh would meld against the ridges of each of his wounds. He would ride her in every possible way as he lapped at her unblemished body. She would have no choice. He decreed it so. “I will taste your wares before settling on a time frame.”
The dual dark jewels flew once again to his face. “My brother.” Her voice was so soft Devon could have sworn he’d actually heard it only in his head.
Vice cleared his throat. “I’ll give you privacy.”
Devon arched a single eyebrow. He watched as Vice made his way to the door. “Stop. You need not leave. Just divert your attention.” Quiet satisfaction strummed through him as Vice froze on the spot. As Vice’s gaze remained on the heavy door, Devon grunted. He’d judged the man well. Vice shared his passion for the extremes in sexual heights.
Devon rose as he studied Sin closely. A becoming flush of red crept up Sin’s cheeks. The blush probably went all the way down her throat, but Devon could not say. Heavy, old-fashioned lace was strangling her. He approached her slowly, fully expecting her to flee to the safety of her brother’s arms. She surprised him by not moving. More gratifying was the fact that her eyes remained downcast. She may have had a slow start, but it looked at though delicious Sin was a fast learner. Pity. I would love punishing you. His cock raged as he stalked.
She was so short that he had to bend to whisper in her ear as he drew to a halt behind her. “Don’t be alarmed. I won’t fuck you with your brother present.”
Her quick, sharp intake of air made him want to break his oath. His palms itched. It would be so easy to push her facedown onto his desk, shred those hideous skirts, and plunge his hard cock deep into her. He drew in deep breaths until his control was once again complete before whispering hotly, “Go to the desk and bend over the edge.” As she moved to comply, he instructed further, “Lift your skirts all the way to your waist and pull down your panties. I want to see your ass.”
His trained eyes caught the tightening of Sin’s jaw. Her throat moved soundlessly as she swallowed. Devon nudged her. “I don’t like to wait, Sin.”
He waited impatiently as she steeped to the desk. Her head turned to her brother. Devon’s words were laced with annoyance. “Do that again and I’ll spank you right here in front of your brother.”
Stiff, coarse material riffled as she hurriedly yanked her skirts up. Devon’s eyes rolled to the ceiling when they were greeted by god-awful full underwear that covered everything worth seeing. “Take that off.” His irritation spilled in his voice. Why the devil did she wear such ghastly clothes? A body like hers should be left free and unhindered. He would have to remedy her insipid fashion sense quickly.
Finally the white cotton panties fell to her ankles. The muscles on her thighs clenched together in a futile effort to conceal her precious jewels as she leaned over his desk. Her attempt was in vain. Nothing was hidden. Her generous ass cheeks splayed open, begging for his touch. The deep valley lay in shadows and promised satisfying treasures. Dewy droplets of moisture glistened against her trimmed, dark pubic hair. He walked to the delicious offering. Tenderly, he cupped the fleshy orbs of her ass and squashed the ripe plumpness. God, her name was apt. She was “sin” in the flesh with a body made to satisfy any man.
There were so many things he wanted to do with her and teach her. Her body was made to accept the thrusting of more than one cock. He would provide adequately. A web of tiny red lines marred her milky flesh, a reminder of the long flight she’d just been on. He was demanding but not a tyrant, so he’d make this quick.
“Open your legs, Sin.” His finger toyed with the dent marking the end of her ass crack. The cute dimple begged for his patient strokes, but the beguiling witch was not complying. Her cheeks remained firmly clenched. He looked up and found her searching over her shoulder for her brother. Devon grabbed chunks of her flesh and squeezed angrily. “I never ask twice.” He waited for her attention to turn to him fully before raising his hand. “I never repeat an instruction.” The sound of his hard palm smacking her tender ass echoed through the silent office. “And I never renegade on my vow to punish.”
Ignoring her struggles as she writhed, his fingers delved ruthlessly into the tight passage. He drew the flesh apart until he fought the delicate puckered entrance to her anus. Gathering the thick, creamy moisture that had gathered within her pussy folds, he returned to lather and tease the sensitive creases of her ass. Simultaneously, he gently petted the red bruise he’d left on her. Her soft mewls followed quickly, and Devon inserted his thumb into the tight opening. The ripples of her ample ass were alluring. He longed to sink his teeth in and taste her softness.
Sin’s voice was hoarse with need. “Doonae stop. Please, ye cannae stop now.”
The muscles around her anus clenched as Devon froze. Fuck! Scottish brogue as thick and decadent as rich gravy. But this was only the tip of his iceberg of chilling confusion. This time he was sure she had spoken into his mind. Perplexed, intrigued, and genuinely fascinated, he managed to croak out, “I’ll be merciful just this once, my pet. Remember, you owe me for my quick forgiveness.”
With that he removed his digit and pulled out his handkerchief from his trouser pocket. It was not an easy task. His bulge was so big, the pockets were pressed severely against his hips. More than a little annoyed at his lack in control, and even angrier at his show of mercy, he wiped at his hands. What was it about this woman that made him want to be gentle? And how the hell was she speaking to him in his head?
His thoughts churned with outlandish speculations. Whatever secrets she held, he would have time to reveal them. He directed his attention to her brother’s rigid back. “One week. Thereafter, we’ll consider this matter settled.” He caught Sin’s flustered face as she quickly put her clothes to rights. He wondered if she could read his thoughts. Well, if she could, he only had one thing to say to her. “I own you now, Sin.” He just hoped one week would be enough.
* * * *
Sin looked around the large, elegantly furnished room once more. Devon’s office had hinted at wealth, and his house certainly did not disappoint. It was also obvious that he’d phoned ahead, because her every comfort had been seen to as soon as she’d arrived. Vice had had the most self-satisfied grin when he’d said his good-byes in the stretch limo Devon had provided. Sin had been caught between the urge to either slug her brother for his unabashed arrogance or flee with him back to her homeland.
But there were too many unanswered questions. Suddenly her meaningless, dormant existence had been given a quick wake-up call, and now she was being bombarded with unfamiliar emotions like mind-blowing passion and intriguing mysteries. How did a man accumulate so many scars? The unsightly swollen tissue that criss-cross
ed his face was not fresh. Wherever those wounds came from, she was sure it was a distant place in his past. She had not missed the marks on his forearms either. Who could have damaged such a giant of a man? And why?
She also could not believe what she had just done and what she’d just allowed a man to do with her. Why had she been so turned-on? The slap on her ass had sent a jet spray of juices in her pussy. She had never encountered such a heightened rush of pleasure even at climax during previous sexual interludes. Worse still, why did she have this insane feeling that he’d heard her thoughts? And she had his. I own you, Sin. For some reason that phrase ricocheted across her mind. Had he really said that aloud, or was her mind playing nasty tricks on her?
Any further introspection was halted by rowdy banging at her bedroom door. Before she could answer, a slight woman barged in. Flanking her sides were two large men. The bulky males kept their eyes downcast as they grabbed a bag each. My bags. “Hey! What are you doing?” Sin tried to stop them as they carried her luggage away. She turned to the little lady who was watching her with her tiny fists on her narrow hips.
“Master Devon wishes his slut dressed according to his wishes.” Her eyes perused Sin from head to toe before she continued in a disdainful voice. “Not someone who dresses like his mother.”
Sin inhaled sharply at the insult. Devon looked to be in his early forties. The few streaks of silver against dark mahogany at his temples made him look mature and distinguished. I’m actually young enough to his daughter, for crying out loud.
“He also ordered that I have you bathed and ready for him.”
Sin winced as her arm was wrenched. The little sprite sure had hidden strength. She stood still as her clothes were stripped away, and she dutifully got into the steaming tub. The torture began immediately.
Sin could not recall ever being so harassed. The brush the tiny woman yielded seemed to grow feral canines with each forceful stroke against her skin. Her skull still prickled from the awful-looking steel brush that had been pulling half her hair out. “Do you really have to be so harsh?”
“Master Devon likes his bitches clean. Never know where they crawled out from.”
Sin turned and earned a sharp jab with the brush. “I willnae allow ye tae brand me. I ken Devon willnae like hearing complaints about ye.”
“Ooh. Foreign. You sound like someone he scooped right out of a stripper’s bar somewhere.” Tiny shoulders shrugged. “If there’s one thing I know, it’s Master Devon’s habits. He’ll tire of you as soon as the exotic flavor wears off.”
Sin felt like layers of her flesh were being worn off. It was amusing to think that this small pixie had a thing for Devon. Why, he would tear her delicate frame apart. Before she could voice her opinion aloud, a slight sound on the bathroom tiles drew her attention.
Devon simply strolled past and sat on a cushioned chair situated in the corner before her. He looked ridiculous with fluffy pink frills surrounding him. But then again, it also accentuated his raw masculinity. Muscles bulged beneath his well-tailored clothes, especially at the crotch. Impressive. His steely gray eyes swirled with heat as he his gaze caressed her body intimately. Sin was slow to register that the brush was no longer peeling away her skin. She turned and caught the little miss’s wide eyes fixed on Devon. Know his habit. Huh!
“You may continue, Cherry.” He spoke to little Cherry, but his eyes never left Sin.
Well, Cherry certainly didn’t look so cheery anymore. Sin smiled softly as the brush resumed it trek over her ravaged body, only less aggressive. Mm…Guess Master Devon only likes bruising squeaky clean when he’s not around. On that pleasant thought, Sin tried to stifle the giggles within her as blessed silence filled the room. Cherry seemed to have swallowed her racing tongue as well.
A low growl drew her attention to Devon. Her eyes widened as she followed the path of his gaze. Bloody wobbling boobs. Sin bit her lip against her self-chastisement and vowed not to giggle anymore. But the oath came too late.
Devon’s command was low but curt. “Leave us.”
The brush fell into the water with a loud splash. Poor Cherry looked ready to dive in after it. “But, Master, I haven’t finished.”
Devon was already folding up his sleeves. Much like the first time she’d seen him do that, she was instantly mesmerized by the hard ridges lining his forearms. His large hands certainly looked capable and immensely strong. “Get out.”
Sin barely registered Cherry’s quick escape. Devon knelt on the floor beside the tub and soaped a face towel until the suds dribbled over his powerful hands. Sin stared into the molten silver of his eyes, lost in the intensity of the violent storm within.
“Open your legs for me, Sin.” Unable to disobey, her thighs fell apart.
With one openly splayed hand, he reached beneath her rump and lifted her exposed pussy above the water surface. Sin sighed, and her head rolled back as the soft, soapy cloth pressed her pussy folds open. He washed her with small, excruciating caresses. The cloth teased her taut nub, and she moaned as the linings in her pussy walls contracted.
Sin didn’t open her eyes as the towel splashed into the water. His soapy finger slid easily into her sleek opening. She arched as he crooked his finger and massaged her throbbing pussy with torturously slow strokes. Sin could not hold herself back anymore. She moved with his hand, pushing herself greedily against the finger fucking her. Just on the verge of exploding, she cried out aloud.
But the deliciously hard, callused finger was suddenly gone. Cold air rushed in and pebbled her nipples. Disappointed and disorientated, she looked at him with need-filled eyes.
“You will come only when I allow it. By the time you climax, I guarantee you one thing, Sin. You will explode like you never have before.”
She was already aroused beyond the point of return. She was willing to beg if need be. But the unsightly scars on his face were stretched so tightly, Sin knew she would never be brave enough to contradict him. Despair filled her as he allowed her to slip back into the tepid water.
As he straightened, he spoke softly. “Did Cherry bother you?”
Like damn eczema on a hot, dry day. But she was no tattletale. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
Devon took a long time to consider her words. “If she does get out of hand, tell me.” Before Sin could respond, he marched to the door. The dark fabric was pulled tightly against his deliciously rounded ass. It was some consolation that he was not unaffected by her as well. Too bad he’d chosen to keep his large cock imprisoned in the constricting trousers. His instructions flowed to her as he walked out. “We’re going out tonight. I chose the outfit you will wear. Do not wear panties or a bra.”
Clumsily, Sin crawled out of the tub. Without even a towel, she rushed into the bedroom only to find it already deserted. She eyed the little number splayed out on the bed. The tiny black sequins winked teasingly at her. Sin blinked back. It was going to be a tight fit. She looked down as she pinched the spaghetti straps between wet fingers. The material was rough and scratchy against her wet skin. And damn short. She eyed the other shopping bags scattered on the floor. There had to be underwear in there. There’s no way I’m going out in public with half my bum cheeks showing.
Chapter 2
Devon was beyond livid. Sin had had him cooling his heels an entire five minutes before finally gracing him with her presence. It was unacceptable. It called for punishment. He shut the door with deceptive lightness after she slipped into the backseat. His hands were clenched in tight fists. If it were up to him, he would have marched her right back into the house and given her a lesson on punctuality that she would have never forgotten. But Kyle and Timber needed to meet her. Something told him that this zealous firebrand would need at least three rutting cocks.
Leather squeaked as he slipped in beside her. There was only so far Sin could run. He clicked his fingers for the chauffeur to continue. His driver knew their destination. The Serpent of Eden was a favorite club he frequented. It was the only pl
ace he felt any real sense of freedom. The patrons of the club were discerning and discreet, and every single one of them enjoyed the darker quirks of sex.
As the car moved, he turned to Sin. “You will not be late again.”
Her lush eyelashes blinked several times before finally fanning her rubicund cheeks demurely. “It couldn’t have been more than five minutes.”
“I don’t like excuses. Late is late no matter by how many minutes.” He ran a finger down the plump flesh of her exposed arm. God but she looked good enough to eat with her bodacious curves spilling out the tight dress in all the right places. “The correct response would be, ‘Yes, Master.’ To make sure you don’t forget your transgression for the remainder of the evening”—he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a collar made of the soft peach skin fabric—“you will wear this.”
The pulse at the base of Sin’s throat beat frantically as he reached out to secure the buckle at her nape. Material as soft as downy feathers would encase her throat, but the highly polished studs and wide silver loops fairly screamed the true purpose of the jewel. He leaned closer as the thin length fastened. “Are you not going to thank me for your present, Sin?”
“Thank you.”
He pulled on the belt until she quickly amended. “Master.”
“Very good.” Devon firmly turned his mind away from the enticing quivers of her voice. She must learn discipline. “Do you know what this is for?” He could not help licking her delicate earlobes as he whispered. The shiver that he felt run through her sent an answering shard of heat to his groin.
“It’s to declare your ownership of me.” Devon bit down sharply on the outer shell of her ear until she whimpered. “Master.”